口說 Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear? I would give my friend the following suggestions. First, relax your body before going on stage. Easing the tension from your body can help steady your voice and relax your mind. Activities like stretching your arms or legs, or even simple things like chewing a piece of gum can help to reduce tension in the body. Second, I would recommend my friend to watch a comedy on the morning of the day before the speech. Laughing will take your mind off your nervousness. For example my favorite comedy is “The Big Bang Theory”, and I often watch it when I get nervous. It worked every time! Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular and how they are different. I would like to talk about Leehom Wang and Teresa Teng, two popular and influential Chinese pop singers. They have clear differences both in terms of their musical style and their audience. Leehom is an American-born singer. His musical style is known for fusing Chinese elements such as Beijing opera with hip-hop and R&B. On the other hand, Teresa Teng was known for her folk songs and romantic ballads. Many became standards in her lifetime, such as "The Moon Represents My Heart". In terms of audience, leehom has become an idol for the younger generation in China who love pop music while Teresa Teng, although she passed away nearly 20 years ago, still enjoyed great popularity, but mainly among older people born in the 50s or 60s. When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal? I prefer to take pictures and keep a journal when I’m traveling. Often, I’m having such fun and everything happens so fast, it kind of becomes a blur. I would hate to forget the funny old bookstore I spontaneously visited for five minutes, or the gorgeous flower display I walked past on the sidewalk. Taking photos helps me keep the events organized and the memories clear. What also helps is keeping a travel journal. At the end of each day of my trip, I like to jot down quick notes about the moments of my day. That way, I remember each restaurant I ate at and park I visited. I just like knowing the specific order that everything happened. It makes the events read like a story. Years later, the fun details of my trip will still be crystal clear. Do you prefer to have fast food in a fast-food restaurant, or do you prefer to have food in other kinds of places? I don’t like to eat in a fast-food restaurant. Health is my first concern. Fast food is known to have poor nutritional value because it is high in calories, fats, sugars and other unhealthy ingredients. My next concern is with the dining environment of a fast-food restaurant, which is often overcrowded and noisy, and there appear to be lines everywhere. So I would avoid going to a fast-food restaurant. Instead, I would go to a small but cozy restaurant or café, where I can sit comfortably in a chair, enjoy reading the latest menus, and maybe listen to some nice music while having a lovely afternoon tea. 【學校通知】學校要求必須上三門藝術類課程,目的是讓學生今後畢業了更有競爭力,並且可以幫助學生在緊張的學業中得到放鬆。【學生對話】男學生抱怨。1,學生失去了更多自由選課機會,不能選更多和專業相關的課(他學banking, 要上finance 的課)2,不是每個人都對藝術有天分喜歡上這些課(他根本不enjoy雕塑,浪費,stressful) The university has decided that all students should take three fine arts courses. It is hoped that by taking these courses students will be more competitive when they enter the work place, and that it is a good way to help students relax. However, in the conversation, the boy complains that this is not a good policy. He says that taking mandatory fine arts courses means that students will have less time taking their major-related courses which are of course more important. Furthermore, he says the majority of the students do not have a talent or an interest in art. So for them, this policy means a waste of time and even more stressful college life. 【公開信】學生寫信給學校,提議應該允許學生在圖書館喝飲料。理由1,學生需要咖啡或茶來提神。理由2,學生都是成年人了,會很小心,不會弄髒圖書館和學校的書的。【學生對話】女生反對,理由1,圖書館的不遠處就有咖啡店,可以去那裡喝完後再回圖書館,而且學習中間休息一下也很好。理由2,就算再怎麼小心,飲料還是有可能灑到書上,長此以往,學校就得換書和其他設備了。 The student letter suggests that the school should allow students to drink beverages in the library. It reasons that students need coffee or tea to refresh their mind while reading in the library, and that they will do so carefully in order not to spill any drink. However, in the conversation, the girl expresses strong disagreement. She argues that first, there is a café not far away from the library. Taking a few minutes off from studying in the library and having a little walk is a good way to relax. Also, accidents do happen sometimes no matter how careful you are with the beverage, so in the long run, there will be stains on the book or damage to the computer, which is costly to replace or repair. 【名詞解釋】self-serving bias,人們喜歡把success歸功於自己,failure怪其他人或事。【講座舉例】聽力材料裡有一個例子: 一組人參加智力測驗,對他們一半說考得很好,對另一半說考得不好。前者把高分歸功於自己的智力水準高。後者就怪罪其他東西影響了他們。 Self-serving bias refers to the tendency for people to attribute their success to internal factors while blaming external factors for their failures. The professor then gives an example to illustrate this term. A group of people were given an intelligence test. When the test result was released, half the test subjects were told that they did well, while the other half were told that they did poorly. Then, all subjects were asked what factors had contributed to their success or failure on the test. Not surprisingly, those who did well said that it was due to their intelligence, while those who did poorly said that they were unfavorably influenced by other factors. 【名詞解釋】information overload 【教授舉例】教授舉了兩個例子,第一個是公司招聘員工,開始沒想到會來很多人,但是招聘第一天就收到了很多應聘者的application,所以公司不會全部看,只會挑出resume的一部分來看;另一個是有一個化學家,期刊原來每週給他發一些推薦的文章(email),後來變成一天發一次推薦的文章,文章多了,教授就不看,還是按原來一樣,一周看一次。 Information overload occurs when the amount of information exceeds people’s capacity to process it. When faced with information overload, people may process part of the information or choose to ignore all of it. The professor gives the example of a company which is recruiting new employees. On the first day, the company received too many applications, so it decided to only look at the most important part of the application document – the applicant’s resume which showed work experience. Another example is a chemist who used to read the newsletters he received once every week. But later the newsletters were sent daily. The chemist did not have time to read them every day, so he still read them once every week, ignoring the other days’ newsletters. 【學生困難】:女學生因為學習和晚上part-time job,沒時間去gym鍛煉身體。【解決方案】: 1,一種方法早上騎車上學,缺點是路上花時間更長,而且很熱。2,另一種方法是早上去健身房,健身完了可以洗澡,但是要起的很早才不會耽誤課。 The girl is very busy with her studies and she also has a part-time job in the evening, so she does not have time for exercise in the gym. She could either ride her bike to the school as a form of exercise, or she could go to the gym early in the morning and then go to her class. I would recommend the girl ride her bike. I think cycling is the most healthy yet the least costly form of exercise, which helps weight loss, burns calories and improves fitness. Going to the gym is of course a good option, but to do so very early in the morning may not be so realistic, as students often stay up late into the night and it would kill them to have to get up at so early in the morning. 【學生困難】男生打籃球扭傷了腳,要去醫院,但明天有考試。 【解決方案】 (1) 女生建議他今天就去看醫生,但男生擔心有可能要排很久的隊,不想錯過review lesson;(2) 明天把所有事都忙完了再去,但這樣腳傷可能會加重。 The boy’s feet got hurt when he was playing basketball so he plans to go to the hospital tomorrow, but he has an exam on the same day. In the conversation, the girl suggests that the boy could go to the hospital today, or he could go to the hospital after he has finished his exam tomorrow. I think that the boy should see a doctor as soon as possible because even the slightest illness could turn into something serious if not treated immediately. When it comes to treating illness, hours or even minutes count! Also, if the boy missed the review session, he could make it up by borrowing notes from his friends, and doing some crash reading the night before the test. 【講座要點】:講樹木在森林火災中如何保護自己的。一個方法是(例子是一個什麼fir),粗的樹皮,保證內在溫度低,使得水分和營養物質不受影響,第二個方法是(例子是一個什麼pine),樹的下半部分沒有什麼枝枝丫丫,所以大火從地上燒過來的時候,就不會順著枝枝丫丫燒上去了。 The lecture talks about two adaptations developed by trees to protect themselves from a forest fire. The first adaptation is the ability to cool down its inner part. For example, the birch tree has a thick bark, which acts like a shield against the fire and an insulation to the inside of the tree. So when a fire causes the surrounding temperature to rise, the water and nutritional contents inside the tree are not lost. The second adaptation is removing parts that might easily catch fire. For example, the pine tree frequently shakes off its small branches to keep the fire from climbing on to the main branch. 【講座主題】Arctic區域動物抵禦寒冷的兩種方法【2種方式】(1) basking: 舉例butterfly, 面對太陽,展開翅膀,用翅膀吸收太陽的熱量;(2) freezing: 舉例fly, 讓體內的水分凍結來tolerate寒冷,體內的chemical可以防止凍傷,溫度升高後再thaw and resume to be active as normal。 The lecture explains two mechanisms which arctic animals rely on to cope with extremely cold conditions. The first mechanism is basking. For example, butterflies that live in arctic regions gain most of their body heat by basking, exposing their wings to absorb sufficient amount of heat from the sun. The second method is by freezing. For example, the arctic fly can tolerate subfreezing temperatures by freezing its inner body fluids. It also has a chemical inside its body to make sure that the freezing does not do any fatal damage. When the outside temperature rises to normal, the frozen fluids thaw and the fly resumes its active life. 寫作 閱讀:某個地方的洞穴Erdstall可能有三種用途 【1】儲存牲口或糧食 【2】當shelter,躲避強盜attack 【3】宗教用途。靈魂等候區 (為死去的人提供場所,讓他們等待超生) 聽力裡駁斥: 【1】洞會漏雨水,儲存食物不方便。在冬天Erdstall都被淹沒了,而且也沒發現裡面有穀類殘留 【2】Erdstall太小了,只能勉強裝下一家人。而且存氧氣很少,只夠一個人的量。另外,只有一個入口,不太可能像為了逃跑設計的。 【3】宗教用途. 如果是的話,應該所有有共同宗教信仰的村子都有,但是有的村子有,有的村子沒有。 閱讀文章:在Rhone river 的河底,考古學家發現了一個bust(就是一種頭部雕塑),人們認為這個bust是Julius Caesar的。有幾個理由: 【1】style of the sculpture: 頭像的藝術風格正好是Caesar的那個年代的,叫“realist style” 【2】resemblance to Caesar’s other portraits : Caesar年代的silver coin上有他的頭像,和考古發現的這個bust非常相似,特別是頭髮 【3】location of the bust found: Caser後來被推翻,所以民眾不敢在新的國王統治下還保留Caesar的頭像,所以就扔河裡了,很說得通。 閱讀部分: Stone為什麼能夠被搬到很遠的地方 【1】風吹的 【2】ice把stone包裹起來,滑下去的時候帶動stone移動 【3】人為move 聽力反駁: 【1】石頭有移動的痕跡,說明阻力很大,由於石頭很重,不可能有這麼大的風能吹動。 【2】那個地方不會有那麼大的冰層,temperature不夠低,水不夠充足 【3】因為是泥地,如果有人存在,會有痕跡,但是沒有痕跡。並沒有人或馬的腳印留下來。 閱讀部分: 講congestion pricing。說為了緩解交通擁堵,想要在city中的某個區域收費,這樣就能緩解一下。 【1】. 這樣做可以improve time(主要就是說節省時間) 【2】. 可以改善環境improve that area's environment 【3】. 收的fee可以用於revenue。the city 可以再修路,修橋什麼的 聽力反駁: 【1.】這樣做有些司機不願意花錢走這個區域就得繞路,更浪費時間。舉了個例子:送快遞的,他們要省錢,所以送快遞的時候會變長。 【2.】在收費區裡面環境可能會好點,但是周圍的車相對就會增多,noise and air pollution就會多。所以不是整個city都能環境變好 【3.】有的人不能afford這個費用了,就會去坐subway,政府就得出更多的錢維護subway,這樣一來收的那點錢可能還不夠維護的,所以也不能起到幫助修橋,修路什麼的作用了。 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social activities. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the modern world, we should never be impolite to another person. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The food we eat today is much healthier than in the past.
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